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Should you try the sleepy girl mocktail?

Welcome to Borderless, the newsletter for global citizens.

Every week, we handpick the best links to help you navigate the quirks of working on the internet and living across borders.


Got 50+ tabs open? Firefox gets it. With pinned tabs, Pocket integration, and a clever duplicate closer, Firefox lets you embrace your tab-hoarding tendencies without sacrificing efficiency.

Tyler Curry for Mozilla Blog


A 210km hiking route through the Alps traces the mysterious migration of the Walser people. Centuries-old villages, isolated customs, and a dialect fading into history. This trail gives hikers into the forgotten culture of Switzerland’s high-altitude settlers.

Ian Packham for BBC Travel


Magnesium, the star of TikTok's "sleepy girl mocktail," is being hailed as an anxiety cure by influencers. Studies suggest it may help, but with supplements so often overhyped, does it really deliver? Here’s a look at the science and skepticism.

Shayla Love for The Guardian


From oversized water bottles to their casual-comfy attire, Americans abroad have a charming way of standing out. Reddit users share the unmistakable signs of an American traveler—friendly, full of smiles, often sporting a baseball cap, and of course, a bottle of water.

Tod Perry for Upworthy

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Spotify’s 2019 entry into Latin American podcasting built an industry from the ground up and captured 90% of the local market in record time. Now, with budgets being frozen, creators say it’s the end of podcasting for the region…

Stan Alcorn for Rest of World

How do you recognize someone from your home country when abroad?

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Do you feel restricted by your passport?

🟨⬜️️⬜️️⬜️️⬜️️⬜️️ Yes, I can only visit a handful of countries (19%)

🟨🟨️⬜️️⬜️️⬜️️⬜️️ Sometimes, visa processes can be confusing/difficult (21%)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Almost never, I’ve always been able to go where I want (60%)

A book of essays about the past, present and potential of borderless work, written by Plumia Executive Director Lauren Razavi (and featuring a company you already know 👀). Get a new chapter in your inbox every week and discuss it with fellow global citizens—all for free!

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