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- Remote work sets sail
Remote work sets sail
And LinkedIn gets a makeover
Welcome to Borderless, the newsletter for global citizens.
Every week, we handpick the best links to help you navigate the quirks of working on the internet and living across borders.

Cruises were once almost exclusively for families and retirees. Their new target? Remote workers – specifically those who want to spend a month sailing the seas of southern Europe. With 2,000 spots selling out in under 48 hours, could this be the next big thing? At nearly $5,000 per person, perhaps only for the wealthy and indulgent among us.
Mike Cappetta for CNBC
LinkedIn has quietly evolved from a digital rolodex with the occasional #humblebrag about getting promoted into a vibrant platform for business savvy creators. With the semi-demise of Twitter (or should we say X), and Gen Z making TikTok their internet home, is LinkedIn now the cutting edge of the creator economy for millennials and Gen X?
Krystal Scanlon for Digiday
One of the world's top billionaires is joining forces with Disney to take on Netflix in India. There, as in Africa, locally-produced content on international streaming platforms is scarce. This new platform could do more than just dwarf Netflix's presence in the subcontinent—it might change the future of streaming across the globe.
Russell Brandom for Rest of World

🌍 Guess that Country |

There's no reality check like the ping of Slack notifications when you're trying to enjoy a place. Would Eat Pray Love author Elizabeth Gilbert have savored her Neapolitan pizza as much if she’d stopped to Instagram it? A new wave of start-ups has begun organizing phone-free trips. The result? “Instead of three days, it felt like seven. Time really expanded.”
Alice Robb for Travel and Leisure
Portugal has become something of a haven for digital nomads and digital immigrants. But its popularity is causing problems. With around 30% of Portugal’s 15-39 year-olds leaving to go overseas, and many of those who remain taking on multiple jobs to cover rising costs, is the country now a cautionary tale for how not to balance the needs of globals and locals?
Ryan Hogg for Fortune

Would you take a tech-free vacation? |
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⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ Less productive –it takes hours to organize and I can spend my time doing other things (4.1%)
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